This week finally brought the melting of the snow. I had a flowing river in my backyard, now it is just swampy. That area will be carpeted by columbines in a few weeks. In fact, under the snow everything was just waiting to grow and be green. Another thing this week brought was the sound of hummingbirds buzzing about. We put out the feeder for the hungry little jewels. For me, there are several signs that spring/summer might actually be here. The hummingbirds are the final say. With their arrival, I am confident that spring is officially here. How exciting!!!
In my quilt realm, I got a lot closer to finishing a quilt & pattern that I have worked on for ohhhh, maybe 5 years. I started designing a new quilt. It will be for a friend's wedding gift, a contest entry, and is the first creative/original work I've done in a while.
I've also eaten some really good food this week. I was given some fresh organic eggs by a friend. The shells were a beautiful pale green color, like already dyed Easter eggs. They were so good!!!
Also, our local store doesn't label it's meat selection very well. You have to know what to look for and , on occasion, you can get awesome steaks really cheap. We paired the steaks with pasta and salad. My mother-in-law recently brought us salad dressing from Sabatino's Restaurant in Baltimore. This dressing makes salads worth eating!