I was recently hired at my favorite local mountain establishment as a barista (coffee maker). As usual, within due time I found myself not only a barista but a waitress, line chef, pastrychef, and early morning bartender. It is fun and I have been creating breakfast menus and doing anything else to get used to this new job. Funniest thing about it all is they hired my husband as well. Long ago, he and I met at a coffee shop we worked at. And, we actually had our wedding reception at the Stage Stop where we now serve coffee again together. I love life's little circles.
The quilt to above is one that I finished for my husband's mother. It incorporates my late father-in-laws wonderful tie collection. My husband dyed the backing and I quilted it all together with lots of love. Now Roxy can have all of us snuggle with her at once regardless of distances apart. That is one of the best things about quilts. They completely embody the love of the maker and this love is seen and felt by others. That is just way too cool don't you think?