One doesn't normally think of blizzards and hydrangeas in the same thought. That's exactly what I did this week though. It was a mild fall and now we are paying for it. Last week, it -32 one night and one of our pipes froze. Luckily it thawed and we didn't have to rip up the kitchen floor. That would have been a major problem for me. I've been sticking to my rule of only half the house can be missing floors at any given time.
After the cold snap lessened a little, the snow came. We got 4-5' fresh snow and it just won't stay put. The winds cause it to move and drift like it is a living entity akin to an ocean. Sid has been digging the Scout out from where it got stuck in the middle of the driveway. Better our driveway than any where else though, huh? He might be close to the road with it now. Maybe today is the day we get out. It'd be nice, we are almost out of coffee. No Bueno!
As Sid's been digging and the snows been blowing, I've been trying to stave off cabin fever. I have been quilting and drinking lots of hot cocoa. I decided I needed to get a few new items up again on my Etsy site. I made a few cute little fabric wallets. My battle against cabin fever was led by the mighty hydrangea fabric. It is so bold and beautiful and colorful, that it put me in a better mood. Those reminders of spring are very important and I think we quilters gravitate to florals in the dead of winter. I made 2 table runners and 8 place mats. It's a good thing I have plenty of fabric in my stash to keep me busy for the next month.
Spring must return sometime so just keep quilting and stay warm.