The sun rises on this beautiful day which is surprisingly still very fall-like. I've been expecting snow for a while, not to worry though, it will catch up and I will be whining in January. It is fun though to watch the snow blow around outside. I have a lot of windows and the wind is fierce up here, often times I can look out and feel like I in a snowglobe. Wow, it sounds like I miss winter, that's weird. I have been working too hard.
Block from the Reversing Climate Change Quilt |
Block from the Stopping Domestic Violence Quilt |
I got 6 quilts done last week. The first was the little dog quilt I blogged about last Sunday. Then, I got a rush order to do 3 quilts dealing with big issues. The blocks were created by a group of Methodist women and they were large banner type quilts each 55" wide. The quilt that dealt with Immigration Reform was 120" long, Reversing Climate Change was 99", and Stopping Domestic Violence was 88". There is fourth in the series, but lucky for me it still needed borders put on and was not dropped off with the others. My client told me not to take the time with custom quilting. I was too honored to be a part of these visual portrayals that I had to give my piece. They were simply quilted, but I did more than just straight-ish lines that we discussed. They looked great and I am happy. That's part of being a quilt whisperer, always do justice to the quilt regardless of price and time.
The next 2 quilts I did were for another client who does white quilts with poems and such written into them. Some have great stories with them and this weeks were wonderful. I do not share these stories here, as she has her own quilt business and I hate being the one spoils any surprises. You can visit her website, if you are interested in these quilts.
Today, I am going to load and begin the next one for my grandmother. It is either a Dear Jane or Hannah, I've been referring to it at as Nana's Hannah cause it's fun to say. She hand pieced this quilt and it is gorgeous! Once again, I find myself nervous in beginning. It is hard being a realist perfectionist (you know, wanting and striving for perfection yet truly knowing it is unattainable).