The beautiful columbine opened this morning. This particular flower is the Colorado state flower and one of my husband's signature tie-dye designs. It's glorious blue petals speak so much of the nature of this state. A large and delicate flower head nods to and fro in howling winds and hail. It survives because of it's unique nature. It can bend under the stress without being broken. Flexibility lends it strength. My property at Mountainjoy is literally carpeted with this wondrous native survivor. The columbines remind me to be more like them in my own life. They also teach me to be thankful for small miracles. I can't even begin to count my blessings over the last few years - there have been too many. I have been blessed with an incredibly loving, understanding, and supportive web of friends and family. This group of people and my own flexible columbine strength have seen me through a number of hail storms. The words "thankful" and "grateful" just fall short. i just have to tell the world that I am just so happy to
be today and it is thanks to the people who love me. Thank you for all the miracles, both big and small. They are what makes the world go round. Happy Father's Day !!
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