I have been long-arming so many quilts and having escapades and computer/social adventures, that I have neglected this blog site sorely. My apologies.
I will try to earn your love again by sharing all that I can.
Macaw for Client |
I have been growing in so many directions lately: personally, creatively, and educationally. I have been quilting for clients and sometimes finding the time to quilt from my creative streak. The Macaw is a wonderful example of what long arm quilting can do to lend form to a piece. It was a very abstract top when my client gave it to me. I studied photos of Macaws (via Pinterest and Google) for several days. I have been discovering that taking the extra planning time really does make a better quilt. I have even taken to marking quilt tops!
Quilts for Paws Project: Merlin |
The Quilts for Paws project is a slow success. I have not had an outrageous demand, but I have managed to get Shadow his surgery. He is the happiest he has ever been in life. It is quite nice to see. I will continue this project as I do believe it is a good cause. I did not begin is it just to help my animal and I would still like to help other animals get the veterinary care they need.
Spring has finally come the Rockies. We have had lots of rain so everything is really green and gorgeous. This particular moose has been roaming the neighborhood. We named him Mickey because his antlers kind of look like Mickey Mouse ears in the this photo.
Mickey the Moose |
Some of my focus lately has been developing my other social media sites. It has become quite a long list actually. Let's see, www.mountainjoyquiltndye.Etsy.com and this blog were my first social sites. Now, I have added: www.mountainjoyquilts.com, www.facebook.com/mountainjoyquilts,
I am so addicted to my Pinterest for great inspirations and a place to share my work,
a not so active linked in profile,
and personal FB --Whehh! It takes 2 cups of coffee in the mornings just to check them all for comments. I love getting comments!
I promise to write and share more often again! Keep quilting and creating!