Friday, May 25, 2012

Wedding Memory Quilts

I got married to my tie-dyeing husband 5 years ago.  As mentioned in earlier blogs, the whole wedding was tie-dyed including my dress and the Huppah.  It only took me these 5 years to finish because I'm always doing projects for others.  This is the first time my mom gets see this quilt finished.  She painstakingly pieced this dahlia quilt for me of the fabrics we had people sign with their well-wishes.  Along with the usual love & joy, some of the wishes were fabulously funny such as "If this quilt is a rockin', don't come a knockin'."
This quilt was no different than any of my other learning experiences with quilting even though I didn't piece it.  I have done signature quilts before and one was a great family tree that used fusible applique.  During that quilt, I learned it was better to attach fusible to the back of fabric before people signed it (the fabric doesn't wiggle and you don't have to use sandpaper).  So, I talked my mom into doing this for our quilt.  She didn't know that she was going to choose a Dahlia pattern.  For anyone who is thinking of doing this---Never, Ever fuse the back of fabric if you are going to make a Dahlia!  Mom did a great job and it actually quilted and lays pretty flat for all the stiff bulk that went into the seams.  This quilt will soon be hanging over our bed and the finished Huppah quilt will be on our bed.  Our room will look so nice if I ever get around to arranging it!  Photos to come in the future (near or far).
I was visiting the Quilters Blogging site this morning and found it was updated.  Michelle is doing some amazing work trying to keep all of us quilters connected and informed.  She has put out an invitation for more quilt bloggers to join the directory.  If you are not aware of this site and directory yet, you should really go check it out.  I'm setting up a link so you can get there quickly and start reading about quilters and their experiences world-wide.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spring Wildlife

I am currently working on a Top Secret quilt project, therefore you must be content with an update about Mountainjoy today versus quilts.  The wildlife is returning!  This past week has brought us some very special visitors.  First of all, the hummingbirds are back.  I had a little ruby red-throat sit at my empty feeder the other day. I jumped up and got him some food.  I've heard several more hummingbirds in the air but have not been dive-bombed yet.
The moose were here all winter long.  It was only 2 days ago that we actually almost hit one with my car.  We headed out our driveway (which is a chute and only belongs to us).  Suddenly, there was a moose in front of us!  My husband was a bit surprised he didn't see it until I reminded we don't normally look for cross-traffic in our own driveway.  The moose viewing happened in the evening.  The next morning, we had more visitors.
It was 6 in the morning and I was looking at emails waiting for the coffee water to boil.  It scared the pants off of me when from right behind, the dog goes off barking like crazy.  I looked out the window and didn't see what all the fuss was about.  I wanted my coffee.  My husband stayed by the windows watching.  His patience was rewarded as he got to view a pack of black wolves traveling fast in a long strung-out single file line along the trail the moose followed the evening before.  How cool is that?  Such majestic creatures they are!
Yesterday morning, I saw a beautiful owl headed back to it's home to sleep the day away.  He must have had a long night to going home so late in the morning.
On the smaller creature scale, I have chipmunks and rabbits to spare!
I'm off to do top secret stuff (it's so much fun to say) and you all keep quilting and crafting!