Friday, June 8, 2012

Blessed Be, A Puppy For Me!

Look what I've been blessed with!  I would like to introduce my new puppy Gwen.  She is a lab mix and we got her last Monday when she was only 6 weeks old.  After sleeping for about 24 hours straight, she is proving that she really is a puppy.  Chewing on everything such as us, our shoes as we walk, the big dog, the window screens, etc.  It's really adorable carrying around a tennis ball.  Pretty much everything she does is just too cute for words.  I think that is how puppies (& children) get away with so much. 
I remember talking to my dad about that when we picked up Bo.  Now, Bo is a Catahulo and was very hard to train to be a good and gentle dog.  He got into so much stuff though one time, I had to lament to my folks.  That was when dad told me about the ratio that definitely exists between how cute something is and how much trouble it can get into before a death sentence is decried.  Like all small critters, this one is cute enough to make it to adulthood.  
You might be able to see the unopened roll of batting behind me.  It shows how much work I've gotten done this week now, doesn't it?  Actually, I did a get a quilt top done and now I can spend today cleaning and puppy-proofing the house.  Gwen showed up about 2 weeks earlier than I had planned on.  It is a good thing I kept all of Bo's old puppy collars and stuff.  I do need to get anything I don't want chewed up away from the floor area and up to safety.  I guess I'll be playing "queen of alternatives" for a few months.  My constantly flowing monologue for this role is "No, don't chew on -----, chew on this" while switching toys.
By the way, my husband told me that I have not had THIS smile on my face for years.  It is good to happy!