Sunday, November 6, 2011

Quilting & Recycling

I managed to get all the quilts I needed to done on time. My reward to myself is that I now get to go through all my clothes. Not much of reward, huh? They've gotten out of hand over the past year. I'll admit, I am a bit of a pack rat. Not too bad, but I definetely hold on to things longer than I should. As a quilter, going through the closet is really difficult.
I start off all gung-ho, everything not worn must go! Then, I find they only go as far as the studio. After all, I got the clothes because I loved the fabrics. I'm sure I can make (and will!) make them into something. Now, I graduated from making quilts out of any old thing years ago. Yet I still have boxes full of old clothes waiting to be given a new life.
It's a funny habit, this fabric hording. I guess the clothes boxes aren't nearly as bad as the one box my husband spied while moving years ago. He momentarily stopped my forward motion to the storage unit with a box actually labeled "Scraps Too Small To Use". He asked if that was what was really in the box. I replied "Yep!" and kept walking to the storage unit.
What's the silliest scrap of fabric any of you have saved? come on, you can safely admit it to this fabric pack rat.

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