Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fabric of Our Lives

The aspen leaves at this time of year are simply wonderful.  I haven't had time to take photos with anything other than "retina-chrome" this year and they are starting to fade.  It is pretty much the same every year, breath-taking gold and green that can be replicated.
The pups are sacked out right now and I just finished the 26th quilt for one of my clients.  She has been keeping me pretty busy this year and I'm always looking for more quilt clients.  I truly love being a part of these stories that get past on.
When I work on quilts for other people, I learn about them throughout the process.  I am touched by their lives and stories.  I have been doing a lot of memory quilts this past year.  They all have their own unique stories to share.  I have decided that one of my next "to do" projects is to put together a page on my website that features all these wonderful quilts and the stories as I have learned them, through the fabric of lives both past and present.  I promise to get it done in the next week, I have to take some pictures of my private collection first.  The family tree is hung high up on a wall and will require some effort.
I have been feeling a bit lazy this weekend and have decided to take it easy as I have been so busy.  Therefore, this weekend I only did 1 queen size quilt and began a sweater for my husband.  Fall and winter always make me want to knit.  This year, I am going to remake his favorite sweater.  It is so much fun to pick out yarns for a new project.  So full of hope and swing as I start the first few inches.  I am still in the "joy of new project" stage.  A few more inches in and I'll be wondering why I'm not done yet.  It is not a short attention span, it is wondering why it takes so long.  Does anyone else experience this?

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