Monday, January 11, 2010

Hope in the New Year

It is coming up on mid-January. This is when I get really geared up for the next year. I don't really make resolutions to lose weight, quit smoking etc. These are things that are part of life if you want to keep living it. The decisions I make are more like: "I will finish that wedding quilt for my brother before they have their 3rd child." And maybe, "I will gain financial ground this year." One not to be forgotten is, "I will hold on to hope."
Hope is such an important thing to hold on to. We can lose just about everything else but if we have hope, we will continue onwards. It is just something we do as adaptable humans. We almost all possess a strive to do something, to leave an impression, to have a purpose. It dosen't have to be a huge purpose. We all want world peace and an end to hunger. As a teenager, I realized I could not accomplish those things. So, I simply try to make the world around me a more beautiful place. I try to enrich the lives of those around me with artwork, peaceful gardens, fabulous foods, and lots of laughter. This is my interpretation of 'Think Globally, Act Locally'. It is one of the ways I refill my well of hope. That's a funny thing about hope, whenever I think it's gone, some little miracle reminds me. May we all pay attention to those little signs and never, ever lose hope completely.

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