Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Spring!!!!

April has begun with excitement and happiness. It is one of my favorite months, mainly because spring is really returning. There will still be snow at my house for months, but I have returned to work at my beloved iris farm down in Boulder. Digging in the dirt, being warmed by the sun, and catching up with friends is what spring is for me. Spring also brings some muscles that protest loudly when asked to work again. Well, if this happens to you, the best thing to relieve sore muscles is an Epsom salt soak.
I have spent some time this week planning and practicing long arm quilting. It really is completely different than sewing on a regular machine. The motion and control in a long arm set-up are incredible! It is so much fun, I begin to wonder if it's not bad for me. You know how fun habits turn out----Addictive!
For those keeping track of the wildlife at Mountainjoy, this weeks visitor was a red fox.
We cooked up a batch of black beans this week. I have always thought that we would need a pressure cooker to get most beans to cook at 9000' elevation. I'd also read that adding salt before beans are cooked would impede the softening. Well, I soaked the black beans over night. then we boiled them away all day with salt from the beginning. We discussed when to add the salt, and we needed it in there just to get water to boil hotter than 160 degrees. The beans were fully cooked and delicious. I guess I'll try pinto beans next.
Right now, there are a few holidays going on. As I celebrate all good things in life, I encourage other to do so as well. Rejoice in the life and love that surrounds us all.
Happy Easter, Happy Spring, & Yom Tov

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